Marika Camllieri from Malta

Pin It Now! We know that Manchester United has a lot of fans around the world and today we are in Malta!
This time we will show you some pictures of Marika Camllieri - Manchester United girl.

What do you know about Malta?
  • Malta is consisted from 3 islands - Malta, Gozo, Comino with a total land area of little more than 300!
  •  Maltese people are very fervent in their religious beliefs.
  • Maltese and English are the official languages. Italian is also widely spoken.
  • The Maltese independence and constitution were finalized on 21st September 1964
And now have a look in the following images of Marika:

Marika Camllieri from Malta
Marika in love with Christiano Ronaldo

Nostalgic moments with Manchester United
Nostalgic moments

Manchester United champions, again
We are the champions!

We love Manchester United Girls!
Manchester United Girl

Marika Camllieri from Malta
Do you have enough money to bring new players?

Manchester United bags
Marika loves Manchester United stuff

Marika in love with Christiano Ronaldo
We told you that she's in live with Ronaldo?

Marika and friend
In love from Teddy

Marika Camllieri with Neville's book
Neville's book - RED

Red devil girl
Say Hello to Marika!

Champions forever
Champions forever

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